How does HIV affect sperm?
Although HIV can affect sperm’s quality and quantity, HIV virus is only found in semen and not in sperm cells. By separating sperm from semen to use in the IVF process, we are able to eliminate the risk of HIV transmission to the embryo and the resulting child.
How effective is sperm washing for HIV?
Sperm washing is very effective at preventing transmission of HIV especially for men taking HIV suppression therapy who are viral load negative.
What does sperm washing do?
Sperm washing separates sperm cells from semen which contains white blood cells and other components that can harbor HIV. This means that the washed sperm used in the IVF process will be free of the HIV virus, eliminating the risk of HIV transmission to the baby, mother, or a surrogate.
What is the process of sperm washing?
During the sperm washing process, semen is placed in test tube and centrifuged at high speed to separate sperm cells from the rest of the seminal fluid. The sperm are then washed two more times to assure removal of HIV particles.
Does sperm wash increase motility?
Yes, sperm washing isolates the most motile and normal-appearing sperm, which is then used for the IVF process.
Can I father a healthy baby while on ARV medication to suppress HIV viral load?
Absolutely! ARV medication will help you have a HIV negative, biological child, by suppressing the viral load. Combined with sperm washing and an IVF process, the risk of transmitting HIV to the baby or the mother / surrogate is eliminated.
Can someone with HIV use a surrogate?
Absolutely! With HIV suppression through ARVS and sperm washing, the chance of HIV transmission in most major studies have been zero, thus posing no risk to the surrogate. We work with many surrogates who are willing to carry a baby for an HIV positive father.
Can HIV positive man have baby?
Yes, with proper HIV suppression and sperm washing to eliminate HIV viral particles, a HIV positive man can have a healthy, HIV negative, biological baby.
I am HIV positive; how do you ensure that my surrogate baby will be HIV negative?
With HIV suppression through ARVS and sperm washing, the chance of HIV transmission in most major studies have been zero, thus posing no risk to the surrogate. At Santa Monica Fertility, we are working with many surrogates who are willing to carry a baby for an HIV positive father.
For more answers to questions around having a baby through surrogacy and egg donation for gay couples and individuals, view our Family Building For Gay Men FAQs.