Doctor of Acupuncture & Integrative Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Prior has been practicing acupuncture for over a decade in the Los Angeles area, holding a Doctorate in Integrative Reproductive Medicine. She is well loved by her patients for her compassion, insight and gentle, pain-free needling technique.
Before beginning her successful work in the field of integrative reproductive medicine, Virginia worked in Cardiology on clinical trials as a Research Coordinator at the Cleveland Clinic. While interning, Virginia was chosen for a fellowship at CHLA, where she worked with MD’s to treat pediatric illnesses.
At Santa Monica Fertility, she combines her knowledge of acupuncture, nutrition, psychology, western medicine, lifestyle guidance, energy work & mind body tools, as well as herbal medicine & supplements, to skillfully optimize fertility, create a relaxation response and help families create healthy and happy babies. Her passion for helping others enables her to successfully facilitate within her patients deep healing, vitality and fertility.